Organic Formulation to Increase Land, Plant and Animal Productivity

Why should use

Made from basic organic materials that are easily decomposed including beneficial bacteria in them.

A unique formulation that produces a highly concentrated product, just use a small amount for maximum results.

Widely proven in several uses to increase the productivity of land, crops and livestock.
Various Products for Various Needs
BIOS44 is a multipurpose organic substance that is used as a decomposer to restore the fertility of soil and water. As studies and developments were carried out, we succeeded in formulating other products for more specific needs, such as caring for ornamental plants and horiculture, even for livestock and pets.

BIOS44 Deco, for your farming needs. Re-nourish less fertile soil and nourish plant seeds that are ready to be sown.

BIOS44 Growth, to maximize the growth of new shoots on ornamental plant leaves, and stimulate fruit growth.

BIOS44 Care, functions as a probiotic which functions to protect the digestive tract health of your pets and livestock.
Supporting the running of the Triathlon sport at the 2018 Asian Games
Being the host for the Asian level sports championship is a source of pride for the Indonesian people. However, the poor quality of water required by the Triathlon sport threatens the running of the championship in Palembang. Neither party can solve the problem, so how does BIOS44 play a role?
Establishment of 'Sikowil' to Prevent Forest Fires in South Sumatra
Difficult to extinguish, peatland fires have become a problem in Indonesia, especially the South Sumatra region. The resulting fire smoke was not only felt in Indonesia, but reached overseas countries such as Malaysia and Singapore. As if there was no way to solve it, BIOS44 appeared suddenly.
BIOS44 Received an Award at the 2017 Innovative Government Award
Thanks to continuous development which finally produced real results for the problem of forest and land fires in the province of South Sumatra, in 2017 BIOS44 received an award at the Innovative Government Award as a Partnership Innovation for Landscape Management/Peatland Restoration.

Ornamental Plant Activist and Seller
Dulu, tanaman hias saya di rumah sulit tumbuh dan berdaun kerdil. Setelah menggunakan BIOS44 Growth, tanaman saya menjadi tumbuh besar dan sehat tanpa menggunakan pupuk berbahan kimia sedikitpun.

Chili Farmers
BIOS44 Deco ini luar biasa! Tanaman cabai saya tumbuh tinggi dan lebat. Buahnya pun besar-besar, bahkan beberapa dahan penyangga patah karena tidak mampu menahan bobotnya. Sukses terus BIOS44 Deco!

Goat Farmer
Kambing-kambing saya sebelumnya terkena penyakit mata, bahkan sampai tidak bisa melihat. Setelah diaplikasikan BIOS44 Care pada pakannya, kini sudah kambing-kambing saya sehat kembali dan bobotnya meningkat. Bravo TNI!